Precision Infrastructure Management is an industry leader in municipal asset management, with a specialty in right-of-way infrastructure, facilities, and parks.

Through cutting-edge technology and robust on-the-ground data collection, PIM fills a crucial gap between the planning and implementation stages of municipal infrastructure management.


PIM is your partner in developing proactive infrastructure assessment and maintenance plans that help clients:

  • Satisfy federal, state, and local regulatory requirements, including the Americans with Disabilities Act

  • Increase budget efficiencies

  • Transform, develop, or redevelop your community

  • Perform a "Complete Streets" audit

  • Increase safety by identifying maintenance or construction projects that will reduce hazards to pedestrian and automotive traffic

PIM has solved one of the missing links for Engineering, Public Works, Field Operations, and elected officials: Inventory methodology and management tools to keep track of their efforts to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and assist in their efforts to monitor, maintain, and upgrade their infrastructure. PIM does this providing Global Positioning Systems identification for all assessment data that can be easily displayed in using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Having this capability helps our customers implement their asset management and implementation plans with confidence.

How We Work

Community Driven Goal Setting

PIM works with local leaders - elected, professional, and stakeholders from the greater community - to develop the scope of services for a conditional study. PIM will use our team’s combined decades of experience to help you identify key project attributes along with a timeline, budget, and implementation plan.

Condition Study

PIM will leverage cutting edge technology and our robust on-the-ground network of trained field technicians and engineers to systematically collect, catalog, organize, and report on the key conditions identified during the goal setting stage.

Asset Management Planning

Once completed, your community will have the situational awareness needed to satisfy federal, state, and local requirements and develop budget-saving asset management implementation plans. PIM will continue to be an active partner during this stage and use our expertise in asset management to ensure you are getting the most out of your investment from our services.